My Goals
A goal for this class would be to get better at essay writing. I have mush room to improve in analyzing writing, in grammar, as well as retaining a hufungus list of vocabulary words. I want to make sure I get a 90+ out of 100 in most of my essays. I will go into community hours to ask my professor and my peers for help when I need it. I'll review what mistakes I did on an essay and make sure to correct them in the next one. By the end of November, I will have completed my goal.
For the semester in general, one goal I would like to accomplish is turning in my work on time and never having to overwhelm myself by waiting until the last minute to do it. I'll know I have reached this goal when I see at least 90% of my assignments are no longer "late" or "missing". However, to get to that pace, I need to manage my time more evenly and make use of a planner notebook. If I keep track of what I do each day, I can be more aware of what I'm doing wrong and what I'm doing right. In addition to time management, I'll find resources that will help me in stress management too. I will hold myself accountable and reach my goal by December 1st.

Student Learning Outcomes
I want to focus more on:
2. Construct a theme or thesis and organize and develop a substantial, balanced, and convincing defense of it in a voice, tone, language, and format (e.g., essay autobiography, report, editorial, case study, inquiry, and research) appropriate to the purpose of the writing;
6. Apply a variety of strategies for planning, outlining, drafting, revising, and editing written work.

My class goals were a half success. I put on my thinking cap, my mushroom
kind, and got to work. My use of vocabulary and grammar grew as big as a puffball, not to mention a significant improvement in analyzing writing. A 90 out of 100 on every essay was the hardest to earn for someone who dislikes essays (a.k.a me). However, the feedback from my professor and peers helped me understand my mistakes as well as highlighted the best aspect of each paper.
Besides that, my semester goal to turn in assignments on time was a mess on its own. Some classes felt overbearing and others were easy to follow through. Managing time was easier said than done which resulted in major repercussions. Days went by feeling like I wasn't doing anything productive or the complete opposite where I felt burnt out. I have used the Pomodoro method to control my time efficiently, but I always appear anxious when I believe I haven't achieved enough in an allotted time. I may need to take more steps in time management such as lessening my time anxiety by researching how to regulate it or talking to a professional about it.